Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

father who art thou

What is the definition of a father? Webster says... a man who has begotten a child. Some say it is a man who has forgotten a child. I will say, without posting my family's business all over the BlogNet, that my father is a certified ass. I have come to the conclusion some time ago that I will not feed this donkey or give it water.
I'd rather it die. Metaphorically not literally... it is still my father.
I hadn't had the opportunity to test out my new found skill of starving my biological Ass until the day before yesterday.
It was like for the first time in my life the bullshit didn't fall on my head. Rather, it fell on the floor next to me and I was able to pick it up with a trash bag, like the animal dung that it was, Tie it up tight, and fling it all the way to TIMBUKTU!
Great release... really.

So... this blog post is dedicated to my biological Ass of a Father. For tho I love you very much, which is the reason why i still call you dad, you are a habitual shitter and I've allowed my house, my place of peace, to wreak of your shitty smell for way too long. Please know that from here on out there will be no 3 day shower recovery period where i try to wash away the stain/pain of being shitted on. I have built a force field to your shit.

This is me confessing to being hurt and vowing to never be hurt by you again.

(normally I would be compelled to put the word tear in parenthesis here. instead I opt for a...)


1 comment:

Miss Mac said...

Protect yourself at all costs