Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"1.2 Trillion Vanishes From Stock Market"

The title says it all.
As the law makers said NAY to the $700 billion dollar Bail-Out the stock market crashed yesterday.
Because the bill did not pass scared investors sold all of everything they had invested in the market. From what I understand Republicans are blaming their very large amount of NAY votes (which was the cause of the bill's failure) on the words of the Democratic House Speaker. Supposedly she said something and they said Eff the Bill and ultimately eff the president. Yes that's right people, the people whom you elected into office gave a big wave and a FU*K YOU. (and then of course a lil giggle). So now Wachovia along with Washington Mutual have been brought out along with a few other banks) by, get this, smaller banks. Of which I've never even heard of. They're like
mom and pop for bankers buying out the 3rd and 4th largest banks in America. WOW!!! The credit market is currently frozen risking the lively hood of many small and large companies. Please be aware that with the credit market closed... loans, especially for homes, are going to be really hard to come by and layoffs are about to commence.
Poor 40,000 Wall St. employees won't be having a job in the very near future
Poor Business majors.
Poor America.
Poor Me.
The expert's are predicting it taking 15 years to get back what was done only yesterday.
Note: Former President Bill Clinton left office in 2001 with a surplus of $127 billion. President George Bush ran a deficit of $319 billion in 2005.That's $319 billion dollars in the hole 3 going on 4 years ago.
Thank you Mr. President.
Some one please kill me.

being an alocholic

This is my confession post.
For some time now I've known this and have avoided it (the truth that is). The fuzzy memory's, hangovers, regrettable decisions, sometimes hilarious mistakes (but mistakes nonetheless), stomach aches, headache's, body numbness, kidney weakening, brain dumbing drinking has to stop! For quite some time now I've been telling myself that it's not that bad and as long as I'm not doing anything illegal it's OK. I like the feeling of being "nice". So hey, why not?!? Last night I drank way to much and for no reason whatsoever. And it has become a everyday thing. For some people it's a weekend thing but, for me a 40 or two a day is normal. Sad, but normal. I've decided that I want to remember these days of my life. College will be the experience that I pass down to my children. I am one of the very few members of my family that have even been in college, let alone facing a pending graduation as closely as I am. And most of these days have been blurred by my drug and alcohol usage. I love myself and my body and I'm SOoO not treating it that way. God help me stay sober. I feel like Neffie, Keysha Cole's sister. How sad. There has been some recent events that has brought about this epiphany. But none like last night. I had a great night (at least what I remember was great) but, I have no idea what I did after the black out occurred. I have no idea how I ended up asleep where I did. And I hate missing my life.
Now just so no one gets mad when they see me with a drink. I will tell you my plan for quitting.
  1. Cut the drinking days down from seven to 2-3 days. Either Thursday- Saturday. Friday and Saturday.Or Friday -Sunday. Weekends only.
  2. No more hard liquor and beer (malt liquor).
  3. Drink in moderation on the days that alcohol is present.
  4. Eventually take the 2-3 days down to 1 and then eventually none.

Sad that before I turn 21 I am so distraught and messed up that I have to take these actions. But it's a reality I now have to deal with. Please support this. That plea goes especially to those of you who still won't let me live for quiting smoking Cali.

Thank You

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the tings I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Taking this world as it is and not as I would have it
Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with You forever in the next

Monday, September 22, 2008

Crazy Chemistry

I'm currently in my girl Sahar's chemistry class...
Her teacher clearly doesn't know how to teach.
He sounds like a idiot.
His definition for everything keeps changing and its really sad.
And I feel bad for everybody who is in this class.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Copy CAT!

LMAO... So everyone is doing these back to school blogs. Although, I thought about doing one I hadn't yet and I now see that I'm going to look like a...
Whatever, I digress...
I'm not loving my classes. I actually hate them. (I know... such a strong word right) I do not have one class that I'm interested in. VERY VERY SAD. Not only are my classes the f**k boring but my personal school life is frustrating. I've been damn near worry free for the most part of the summer and that portion of the semi-vacation was great! SERIOUSLY... thank you God for releasing that bull crap for me =).... I didn't miss the fakeness, bullshit... fuckery. And then it all comes rolling back.
I guess this copy cat blog is to say...
PLEASE all those who have made it their business to deliberately or think that they might bring any type of fuckery into my life. DON'T. Stay the hell away from me. Don't talk to me in the street. Don't look at me and smile.
Just stay FAR FAR away.
This way i can concentrate on MY bullshit and the bullshit classes I've enrolled in.