Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bit*h A*s English Teacher

So I've been out of commission because of some oral surgery that I had to have done last Monday. Because I was out of commission I was forced to miss a full week of class.
Before my surgery I approached my English professor and explained to her that I was in extreme pain and had an emergency surgery planned for the beginning of the coming week.
To which she replied, "Just make sure I get the doctors note."
Sounds good right?
I take my week off not thinking any thing would be wrong. I e-mailed all of my professors a scanned copy of the doctor's note and not one, except for my English professor, had a problem. Do you know that this Bit*h gon tell me that I have to take zero's for all the days I missed
(note: every day in the beginning of class there is a quiz given pertaining to the readings that were suppose to be done in preparation for that class)
Those days include the doctors visits that I had to attend (please remember that I was in DIRE pain) before the surgery so that they could map out exactly how they were going to go about sawing my mouth open AND the recovery period. BIT*H!! Is all my brain could scream as she explained to me that she was making an exception for me because normally no matter what a student goes through, excused or not, if you miss 4 or more classes you automatically fail the class. I should be happy she says that she didn't just fail me. As I look at her with thoughts of how I'm going to get away with her death and fight thru the pain of opening my mouth to speak... I give her the nastiest look I could muster up and leave.
Not only do I have to be present at all the rest of the classes, God forbid that something else happens, but I have to get a perfect score on the rest of the quizzes, nothing lower than a A- on the midterm and a B+ on the final in order to pass the damn class. I mean I've done great on all the quizzes I've taken before the surgery but
I've been in pain n hungry for the last 2 weeks and now i have to worry about this
Note: Withdrawing is not a option (2nd time taking the course)
Thanks Dr. Palumbo for you insensitivity and bit*hy I think I'm god attitude.
Go Fu*k Your Self.

1 comment:

Miss Mac said...

that blows. u should fight it. take it to the dean and get jesse jackson to call it racism. jus a thought