Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Sorry that I've been MIA. I have had a lot going on the past week or so. Normally I blog to release stress or to express how happy I am. I've realized lately that I'm in the middle. I am neither extra upset/mad/pissed etc... or happy/ecstatic etc... so I claim that I have nothing to reevaluate. But today I have realized that I miss blogging and that I did blog for no good reason and it felt good when I did. I know that I don't have many readers but I do appreciate those that do read. I am sorry for those who have missed my ramblings and if u didn't miss me then fu*k you. lol. I guess this blog is suppose to sate that I am back. Seriously. Or at least after finals are over. I have been through a lot these past few weeks. I have met people and lost people and found things out about myself and lost things that i thought i knew. That confusion has led me to this blog tonight. That and that alone. Thank you to all of those who actually care about me. For all those who recognize that life is life and things happen and that you can only blame yourself for your transgressions. I thank God for my life and for showing me the true things in it. Fu*"k everything else. If you don't love me... hate me and go to hell. Period. Thanx for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With that said....I <3 U B....