Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I think its Ok... Really I do.....

Ummk so quick question… who made up the rule that you can’t date your friend’s ex-boyfriend?
So I have a friend who likes her friend’s ex-boyfriend but she’s scared to tell her b/c she doesn’t want to lose her as a friend. (“Friend” I hope that you’re not talking about my ex-boyfriend and you made this up b/c you felt like you couldn’t tell me. I’m done with him if he’s my ex and I no longer give a fuck.) Honestly I may joke about the past and reminisce on it but I honestly deep down inside never want to go back. And who am I to say that you as my friend can’t date someone who you want to? Someone who made me happy at one point and may make you happy as well! I mean honestly… yes I know it’s like sloppy seconds but I’ve never had a problem with my friends dating my ex-boyfriend. Now if they did it while we were still dating or “doing” each other… THAT’S SOMETHING DIFFERENT!! I feel like if you come to me and say, “Hey I like him. How do you feel about that?” And I’m done with it then why not? Get over your ex … boo! You can’t claim that man forever sweetheart. So to my friend, even though we already had this discussion over the phone, talk to ya girl about it. If she’s mature then she’ll appreciate you commin to talk to her and not shut you out for it. She’ll give you a straight up answer and if she says no respect that, if you want to keep her as a friend. And if she says she doesn’t care, really asses how she said it and see if she’s just putting up a front or if she really doesn’t give a fuck. And if she doesn’t (give a fuck) then hopefully you find happiness in your new dude… ya girls leftovers.

(Thought about while talking about Helen’s ass in Intellectual Heritage.)

Umk so you cant tell me that thefact that they steppin on this chick aint funny... lol... Love Triangle ya'll


the elegant Independent said...

Great point. Only if all females were as mature as u in this situation.

B Harg. said...

This gets fuzzy and complicated, easily. You know that if anyone knows, I do.

Long story short though: One mans trash is anothers treasure, and clearly it's trash if you left it behind- for whatever reason. Toes will always be stepped on, determine if the toes stepped on are worth what you're gaining and keep it moving.

It's not that deep. Don't make it difficult. I'm sure our ex's aren't arguing with their dudes about us. Get real. lol