What happened to I’m behind my man 100% even if he is a f**k up at times. Whatever happened to genuine love? It seems that now-a-days all we care about are the shoes on a man’s feet and the type of car that he’s driving. Or now that we females are in college, “What his major is?” (Some Ghettoite smacking gum and all) Uh... let’s think about this… most motha fu**as don’t get the job that they received a degree in (men and women). Scenario: Ya got wit dude because he had a major that you just KNEW he was going to make guap in. Ya fall in love. Ya both graduate and he ends up flippin burgers. To leave or not to leave? THAT is the question! And if you stay ladies, how long are you willing for him to wait to get on his feet and find a good job? Do you leave him like Will Smith's good for nothing wife in The Pursuit of Happiness or do you stick it out and wait for him to become CEO of some major corporation. Answer truthfully now!
Damn I just went off on a really big tangent... to get back to what I originally began to ponder on.
Why is it that people always have to be the best of the best? While you’re out there over achieving working 24hour shifts just because you want to make more money than the next man (this does not apply to those families where it is necessary to work long hours just to buy a loaf of bread) what are you missing out on? Will you miss your child’s first words, first steps, and birth even? This society has drilled it into our brains that if we don’t strive to be perfect then we will be close or less than nothing.
My father was pissed at me when he found out that I wanted to teach. "They don’t make enough money," he said. "You love and do well in science why not be a Doctor," he said. Ya know what I said. I don’t care about the money as long as I’m happy and being a teacher is what’s going to make ME HAPPY. Then he exclaimed, "Well at least be the principal or the head of the School Board!" F**king why though! Because their position is higher than that of the teacher? Because the more people I command the more perfect I am? F**k that! I don’t want to stress my life away concerned about other people not in my Microsystem (look it up). I don’t want to care about the next b**ch and what she has on or if she’s than me because her job pays more than mine (and I don’t care what ya’ll say that subconscious of yours is thinking that s**t). I’m content with living, breathing, and being in the working class. S**T... it’s been proven that people in working class families are better people any fu**ing way! Their happier their children are more mentally stable. And they are more likely to NOT do drugs. Like... let’s get it together people! Don’t let this society tell you that you have to be lawyer or a doctor to be someone. And don’t let the Priest tell you that you have to be Jesus in order to gain salvation. Perfection is what you make it.
If you read all of this KUDOS to you. and thank ya much!
the last three sentences are defenatly worth this long ass blog.
thanx boo
i feel u brandi...i was talkin about somethin a little different. we on the same page tho lol...i meant ppl know they wanna graduate but then keep skippin class, or knowing u wanna lose weight but never go to the gym. I agree be watever you wanna be but you gotta make sure ur doin the best at whatever it is.
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