Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Artist Maybe

I grew up around a lot of art. My father was a great artist who took his craft for granted and eventually lost it. He always told me as a child that when God gives you a gift you should always express it and thank him everyday for it or he'll take it away. We'll I feel as though that that is not only the case for my pops, who always reminisces on how great he used to draw my mothers face when they first meet at age 19, but for me as well. I kind of inherited the creative art through pictures gene but I never really looked at it as though it was something that I should work on, perfect, and share with the world. (my dad says he saved some of my early art so I could look back and say what if one day... something he should have done) Anywho, I still grew up with an appreciation for some good art. Mind boggling art. Beautiful Art. Abstract art. Art period. My uncle sent me some make ya mind go crazy art yesterday. Check it out. Tell me what ya think. Enjoy, I know I did.
It took me a while to see what i should have been seeing. Do you see it?

Which man is the tallest of the three?
Do you see the 3 faces?
Can you see the word? Most girls see it easily... men don't!Last one! Read the directions at the bottom of the pic.


the elegant Independent said...

i luv optical illusions
thanx for making my moment B!

Cousin Chris said...

i must say, i thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Amachi said...

ya welcs