Stay Woke

"You've got to get mad! You've got to say IM A HUMAN BEING DAMNIT!! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!!" - (some dude on New AmErykah)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ignorant SAC Moment

I'm sitting in the SAC yesterday, a daily routine, and this freshman kid just so happens to be sitting across from me in the adjoining booth. I sit down to eat and this kid just starts belting out Jada Kiss lines. (Nothing worth quoting... something very commercial). I laugh, it was funny, all I kept thinking was, "this kid is animated." Well after 20minutes of singing loudly and waving hands in the air I was kinda annoyed so decided to make conversation to shut him up.

Here's a lil snippet:
Me: Is this what you like to do in tour spare time, be loud?
Kid: Yeah, I want to be a public speaker.
(light bulb) It just so happens that on that very day The Roots, or at least one of the band members, were coming to campus to speak to the students about the importance of voting.
Me: Oh so your going to listen to The Roots speak?
Kid: Fu*k No! For what? I don't know him! And he ain't gon do sh*t but campaign for Obama! Why should I give a fuck? I don't even like their music.
Me: (in shock) Well it was just a question. I figured that since you want to be a public speaker you would like to see another public speaker in action. Oh yea, and he's not talking about Obama the event was jut sponsored by the Obama Campaign.
Kid: Jus cause I wanna be a public speaker doesn't mean I want to listen to some next nigga talk. Especially about Voting. I ain't gonna Vote No way!
Wow! At this point I was livid. Now that was not the whole conversation. But that is all that's needed to understand why a educated black woman like myself and the others I was with became very upset.


Not to mention his man, another young black man, was in total agreement... SAD. We, the ladies at the table, then try to explain to the young men why they should vote. Ancestral Commitment, Make some from of Difference, become less Ignorant etc.....
Kid's excuse:
Ok dude... (sarcasm)
His friends excuse:
Ugggg.... like why I don't understand what it is with black men and not voting. Seriously, every little bit counts because it all effects you. Directly or indirectly. ALL LAWS IN AMERICA EFFECT YOU!! And who passes those laws? Our government officials. Who appoints those officials either directly or indirectly? WE DO! I even said to the men," what if Dr. Martin Luther King thought the same as you, where would we be?" He honestly just said that it didn't matter because it didn't happen that way.
WHAT!! And... Your.... EDUCATED!!
If nobody voted then where would we be? As far from a democracy as we are, we definitely would be farther if voting ceased (yea, its rally dumbed down). It's kids like this ignorant freshy that make the black population as a whole look stupid (simple words people).

My great grandfather fought for my right to vote.

He was hosed down and beaten by the police. Locked up and stripped of his dignity on many occasions. If I didn't take part [in voting that is] its like spitting in his face. Fu*k if the vote doesn't matter. It's the principal of the thing.

History can and will repeat its self if action is not taken people.


"One Less Vote"

The Fourteenth Amendment, granting black men the right to vote, was ratified in July 1868. Every black vote became a threat to white Southerners' political power. The stone reads, "Negroe Killed, Seymour Ratification, KKK."


NIVLAC said...

well i hope u realize that a lot of people think what those freshies thought until someone such as yourself enlightens them. dont be mad. be happy that you got the opportunity to help someone learn the importance of their vote.

B Harg. said...

I resent the need you felt to reiterate that he was a freshman. That's a poor representation of our class. For those who want to hear from the more informed freshies, peep my blog.

::Self advertisement? Duh::


Miss Mac said...

Cal: very positive and insightful

B: Shameless plug and I aint mad


Honestly I feel pretty passionate about the matter too, and I'm glad ur behind actually got the voter registration form in YESTERDAY! better late than never. =)